As You’re Told | EXPLICIT

When they went to the beach there was nothing left

Everyone was there

Everyone Was

They ate the life from The Sea until it became an ocean to cross

Othersided we walk

You’ve seen the pathways

You have run upon them

not on them.

can’t have them

Above and beyond is not always open and wide

Vacuum clean imagined futures until hypothetically palpable

Climb a tangent until you broke the branch

Break the branch off

Is dinner over.

May I be excused?

Curtsy like the facetious fuck that you are

Slightly pulling skirts up can be believed courteous while known to falsify the norms of courtesy

Breath into a brown paper bag insulated by plastic

Suffocated life as an orange dripping juices

punctuated sponge

Spangle the banner

Right until seeing stars,

Up above what?


that’s a good boy

Do unto others as you’re told to do

Because I said,”so”.

Author: Russ Palmer Silberman

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